Sales & Promotions
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Can I apply two promo codes at the same time?
Unfortunately, only one promo code can be applied per order. We recommend choosing the promo code that provides the best savings or benefits for your purchase.
If I just heard about your sale, but it's already over, can I still take advantage of the discount?
Please note that promotions and discounts are only applicable during the specified days and times. They cannot be applied to orders made before or after the indicated periods.
I know you have a sale coming up, but I'm going to be away and won't be able to purchase during that time. Can I get a discount code to participate in the sale early?
Kindly note that promotions and discounts are valid only during the specified dates and times. If you have any questions, please reach out to us by email at [email protected].
I'm an RB club member, will my discount stack ontop of your promotions?
Yes, a discount will stack ontop of promotions.